Is cloud or box CRM better? By what criteria to choose?
Let’s say you have already made for yourself the fatal decision that to your business CRM is vital. Right there is a question: should I choose online CRM? Someone will advise you cloud as it is convenient to build business processes online. Someone opposite will agitate for a box version as a guarantee of total control of the safety of data.
Cloud CRM is as easy as shelling peas. Without leaving the house, it registered, you pay a monthly fee and it is ready to use. Some kind of rent. SaaS technology is the software as a service. Similar services give to users an opportunity to work in the mode of remote access. At the same time, all software is based on the server of the developer. For work only the Internet is necessary. It isn’t necessary to bother with the installation of the server and search of the IT specialist who will be engaged in maintenance. All issues are quickly resolved by service of technical support of the company of the supplier of service.
● Minimum initial investments. Payment only for rent at the rate of the number of users and the used services;
● It isn’t necessary to buy the additional equipment and to spend money on contents and service of IT of infrastructure;
● Availability and mobility. The user for access to system needs only the web browser (the personal computer, the tablet, the laptop, the smartphone);
● Online access 24 hours a day, 365 days a year;
● Unlimitedprofessionaltechnicalsupport;
● The unlimited volume of random access memory;
● Automaticupdatingofversions;
● Payment only for the used services;
● Saving time. It isn’t necessary to donate working hours for the training of employees. Serviceisintuitivelyclear;
● Fast data exchange between employees;
● Ready solutions for concrete spheres of business.