Pros and cons of working as a freelancer platform

Do not hear every morning the alarm bell that has become hateful for its intrusiveness, raising you early in the morning. Do not rush to work while having breakfast and dressing. Do not get wet in the rain or freeze from morning frost on the way to the bus stop. Do not see the displeased look of the boss, in his thoughts already coming up with a way to punish you for a five-minute delay. Do not go to work in the end.

Do you recognize yourself? Weren’t you thinking about this morning?

Of course, quitting a boring office job is very tempting. But … How and what to live on? How to feed a family? After lying down at home on the couch for your pleasure, enjoying peace and comfort, you will not earn much. As you know, water does not flow under a lying stone.

This proverb that has been tested for centuries nowadays can be refuted by people who proudly call themselves freelancers. They learned how to make money without leaving home. The most successful of them earn even more than office workers.

Work at home, or as it is often called “freelance,” really implies the possibility of working at home, sitting comfortably on the couch. The main thing for a freelance website is the possession of knowledge in the area where his activity is directed, the ability to profitably “submit” himself, and, of course, a computer with Internet access. It is in the global network that the freelancer is looking for his earnings. The freelancer has no bosses, he has a customer. The freelancer works according to the following scheme: there is a desire to work – I am looking for an order – I agree with the customer – I fulfill the order – I get money. Following this pattern, many freelancers really live happily ever after.

Attractive scheme? Have a desire to become a freelancer? Already in a hurry to scribble a letter of resignation? Down with the boring office! Hooray freelance!

Wait! Wait a bit! We need to think everything over, weigh everything. Think maybe freelance is not for you! After all, you still do not know what difficulties await you ahead.

What is difficult freelancer life?

Firstly, by its instability. Today there are orders and money, and tomorrow they may not be.

Secondly, the lack of an orderly work schedule. Yesterday there was absolutely nothing to do, there were no orders, but today – they rained down, and you won’t refuse, you have to work all night. And tomorrow – another profitable order, it’s a pity to miss. You want to sleep, but you work, drink coffee in liters, swallow pills for a headache, and rub your eyes that are sore from fatigue. You go to bed already in the morning. It turns out that he worked for more than a day. You can finally sleep off! You wake up, you feel that you are full of energy and desire to work, but … there are no orders!

It happens that there are no orders for two days, a week, or even a month! Accordingly, there is no money.

Thirdly, fatigue, the desire to relax, to take a breath of fresh air, the desire to chat with living people, and not with avatars of the same “free” freelancers and with “gray”, impersonal customers, lead you to finally turn off computer and arrange yourself a day off. At this time, the customer, who was waiting for the immediate completion of the order, gives you a negative review and spoils your reputation as a professional, which you have earned through hard work for several years. Terribly insulting. After that, no boss who called you “to the carpet” is no longer scary. Well, shout, shout, but calm down. A negative review for a freelancer is like a terrible and incomprehensible dream that can only be interpreted by a dream book.

Fourthly, a freelancer is not only a specialist in his field. To succeed, he needs to have the skills and talents of a psychologist, manager. Indeed, in order to be able to grab a good order in a rather fierce competition, you need to communicate with customers and communicate correctly. Focus on your professional qualities, it is profitable to introduce yourself, your talent, your experience. In a word, it’s profitable to “sell” yourself.

In addition, a freelancer must have good insight, and most importantly a huge, truly immense patience. Indeed, sometimes customers themselves cannot decide what they really need, they act on the principle: “I want something, I don’t know what.” It’s not a fact that the work on which you pored all night will please the client. In this case, be prepared to remake it.

Fifth, a freelancer is a person with creative, non-standard thinking, able to create something new, unique. Creativity is the main thing that should be laid in the freelancer by nature.

And finally, freelancers who are not insured by an employment contract and clearly established laws are often deceived by not paying for the work done.

Do you still want to change the calm and measured life of an office worker to a freelance living according to its own laws that are completely un predictable?

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